Irish Presidential results hub 2018

@Mac has to clarify

You’re a bit dim if you think it was all traveller related… Maybe that’s the take in Tipp but as I said, it’s for a host of reasons. Glossing over anger at hand out culture like people aren’t angry at that and why they are angry at that is extremely naive. Casey beat Higgins in many urban traditional Labour strongholds also. You need to see the world from outside your local bubble. People are hurting and that’s what should be taken from it.


@Joe_Player’s Results Hub are an intrinsic part of Irish Elections :clap:



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Like bread sauce at Christmas.

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People who are hurting would see a Plastic Paddy who pays fuck all tax here, who takes a weekend off campaigning to play Golf as a beacon of light to them?

Everyone piled into Casey for calling out Travellers.

Tell Mary Heifer to take note.

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An awful nation of simpletons.


What has tax got to do with anything?

Paddy swallows any auld shite he is told. You can easily see how the British ran them for 800 years with 30 lads armed with sticks in Dublin Castle


I think a lot of voters are tired of a culture of entitlement whether it be travellers or lifer dole heads who don’t contribute and stick two fingers up at society.


Look at Martin out congratulating MDH.

How the mighty have fallen.

They certainly swallow the idea that Michael D is a poet of some renown.


Casey polling at 40 per cent in quite a few rural boxes.

Tfk called this weeks ago.

Marvellous thread @Joe_Player :clap:


Your say travelier co everything by the book

As presidents go Michael D, is grand. He’s an intelligent sort who won’t make a show of the country.

I’d say a lot of the Casey vote knew their man wouldn’t get it but wanted to make a point.


Dumping the Sinn FĂŠin IRA candidate earlier this week was another resounding endorsement of my judgement.

I think @chocolatemice is right. Micheál Martin summed it up similarly there on RTE too. Casey’s traveler comments garnered attention and he used the platform that followed to broaden the message and have a cut at welfare recipients and scroungers generally. This resonated with some people who are pissed off trying to make ends meet while hearing about and seeing the hand out culture elsewhere in the community.

So Casey ended up appealing to people who hate travelers (e.g. @TreatyStones), people who hate welfare dependents (e.g. @Massey) and people who hate both travelers and welfare recipients (e.g. @Appendage). Now 2 of the 3 lads I’ve singled out are decent and sound men so it’s too simplistic to say Casey is a racist scumbag and so is everyone who voted for him.


Can you restrict me to travellers for the time being pal? The welfare thing is far too complex for me to be having an opinion on.

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Life isn’t easy or fair for people

Jesus scum fein were decapitated. That is some answer for them from the irish electorate. Fuck off :rofl: