Irish Presidential results hub 2018

I like travellers and hate Bohs fans, hope this clears it up for you.

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Slightly off topic, I see a big similarity between the MSM treatment of limerick people and the MSM treatment of Northerners.

ā€œWe know more about dealing with travellers in your own locality than you do, even though weā€™ve never been there, why would we go to a kip like that. We know more about the truth of the troubles and the British than you do but weā€™d never dream of going to Belfast.ā€


So whos going to benefit from twee getting in?

Bar the personal driver who stands to get a massive return for his vote, everyone else is a loser in this, taxes funding an irrelevant office and its slush fund

No, you are thick as pig shit.

You think some drunken Nordie chancer is the pied piper because he makes some anti-traveller comments.

Maybe the office is irrelevant, thereā€™s an argument there.

But it was obvious from the debates that Mickey D was by far and away the best candidate.

I think heā€™s a harmless oul codger who does the role well.

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Wow, thatā€™s a 22% bounce in a week @Fagan_ODowd
Has the likes of this ever happened before do you know?

And Higgins vote collapsed also he was on 70% last week.

Thatā€™s actually a really good result for sfira considering they put a very unlikable woman forward.

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Paddy Power have paid out. A handy 80 notes off MDH for NFL puntingā€¦ Thank you Michael D.




Youā€™d never get a box for being good.

His kids. Cant see him seeing out the 7 years. They will get access to the slush fund

Watching Blackie Connors on Glenroe is as close as that fella has come


Youā€™ve just insulted black people and tinkers with that jibe lad,take it back

I donā€™t have to anymore. Iā€™ve 23% of Ireland behind me, Iā€™m emboldened now according to the media


75% of the electorate did not vote for Higgins.


He only got 14% more than Casey in limerick county even though no one had even heard of him a week agošŸ˜

If you add in all the people that didnā€™t vote Iā€™d say youā€™d be talking over 140%.

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No itā€™d still be 75%