Irish Presidential results hub 2018

Would it really?


JAre travelers nothing worth special treatment no the people spoke

Well that was a surprise.

Cc @HBV :grinning:

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Saw that clip on the news last night.
Up there with John O’Donoghues concession speech.

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Liam Cahill has a case to answer here.

That’s genuinely magnificent.

“Why did you perform terribly in the election?”

“I was ahead of public concerns.”


Yeah. His problem is, he’s always going too fast.

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John Connors is not taking Peter Caseys result too well.

Leaving would make it a better place John, now piss off


I’ll drive him to the airport whenever he’s ready

Oireland is a great place once you are willing to get up out of the bed in the morning.
What was John trying to do that was going to make it better does anyone know? @glasagusban?


Almost one in four voters - that’s an outstanding result for a political rookie who faced the establishment and mainstream media on his own.

75% of the electorate did not vote for Michael twee.

I’m sure the Gardai will give him an escort to the airport. Some neck on the cunt, goes on tv,calls all gardai scum and now is squealinf racism and doing a Darcy and threatening to leave the country. Just he isn’t a coward like Darcy and will actually leave.

It’s gas the Casey lads whooping and hollering as if they won a victory. The joke candidate got a few impotent votes and the lads are all delighted with themselves :smile:

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It’s gas how the snowflakes are still trying to make this all about themselves and their beloved travellers. This was about rural Ireland striking a blow. The first of many to rain down over the coming years.

It has begun.


A few :joy:. Why are you lying pal.

Stop copying other people’s jokes off Twitter. This is the second time now you’ve done that.