Irish Presidential results hub 2018

Don’t kid yourself.

Michael D Higgins vs Peter Casey: some perspective is important (via @IrishTimes)

Students should be able to live on university campuses. People should be able get on the housing ladder. We are too focused on Dublin. We should use the networks of the diaspora. It’s a disgrace that elderly women are on hospital trolleys. And so on and so on, brain-farting out soundbites and platitudes.

This isn’t the rise of a new political force. It’s taxi-driver stuff. It’s the end of the bar in the golf club after a long day. It’s Ross O’Carroll-Kelly’s dad with a Derry accent.

I’d agree with his point about glib one line summaries of issues/solutions being stupid. The notion that just Casey or “right-wing” politics in Ireland is at the heart of this is foolish though. The hard left and to a lesser extent SF have built up an entire political base off that type of political rhetoric

Here’s a report. At the time no one else raised these issues. He got fierce criticism from “the establishment” for this. He has rattled more cages than Casey could ever hope to. He also did so in a positive and intelligent way. Compare this to brainfart boy.

You can accuse anyone of glib one liners. We are still being governed by the party of “the best little country to do business” working for “the people who get up early in the morning”.


Fucking Emma O’Higgins has had more impact than Michael D Higgins


Yeah - but he doesn’t and you seemed to highlight it as being something unique to Casey.

The remarks about taxi-drivers and golf clubs is exactly the sneery liberalism that isn’t exactly a model of tolerance itself.


Good post but had to fix that for you.

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The taxi driver and golf club reference was only a measure of the depth of thought behind Casey’s soundbites, I think it’s fair comment. He wasn’t attacking taxi drivers.

Impotent is the word of the day for you. Is everything okay?


Typical really, an unheard element raises their voices and they’re dismissed as taxi drivers. Racist bastards.

Perfect job for him. Gets to say a whole lot and do fuck all. His career in a nutshell.

Criticising austerity while quaffing champagne and ferrero rocher, living rent free, getting 269k per annum and having a gulf stream at his Beck and call.

Quite the social warrior.


He inspired a generation of snowflakes though :clap:

Do you propose to charge rent for the Áras? At least be mildly plausible.

That’s your angle of attack on my post? You’re really off your game today pal


But imagine a shiner president

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:joy: xzz

What would be wrong with it?