Irish Presidential results hub 2018

What you’re saying is he’s done more in 2 weeks as a candidate than the incumbent has done in 7 years for the travellers, as president.

Another 7 years on the gravy train, terrified to upset the status quo. Choo Choo

Did you damage your brain in that Trav attack?

Yeah I ran my own head into their fists, boots and weapons, on purpose to give myself concussion


Michael D’s speeches on neoliberalism and on austerity in Europe did more to upset the establishment and challenge the status quo than any politician I can think of in recent years.

*Irish politician

That was a stupid idea.

Totally unlikable person. Time to start putting halting sites in foxrock and Montrose.

The gas thing is half of Casey’s so called Rural Voters would still buy a Gate, Washing Machine or Power Drill off a Traveller if the item was cheap enough.
You couldn’t make it up.

I must have missed this :thinking: The establishment, of which you are a working cog; was upset greatly you say?


I think he’s been a good president but that’s horseshit. The water protests were way more impactful upon Irish politics. Michael D’s speeches are “quiet news day” discussions on Marion Finucane - they don’t in any way set the political agenda imho.


I made the mistake of taking you seriously up till now

They were of a time. It drove the government bananas and it pissed of a lot of cunts in Europe too. It was powerful stuff and he got a lot of kudos for it internationally.

I must have been doing something right.

That’s some scutter…

Have a look back. There was no one questioning austerity pretty much across Europe. Higgins offered an importamt critique. This was long before corbyn. Fine Gael were hopping up and down that Higgins shouldn’t be talking about politics, but course he wasn’t he was speaking about economics and social models.

Might have gone above your head, don’t worry about it.

You’re right by the way the water protests were massive. But they were a movement as opposed to one person single handedly raising a debate and questioning the status quo.

Hopefully housing protests can take off in the same way as water did.

Jesus glas

I know ye had a great win last night but lay off the blue nun this hour of the morning .


Is this one of them?

He tore the establishment apart. :joy::joy::relieved:


More spoiled votes than votes for Gavin Duffy in Dublin South Central


Casey is exactly the divisive figure we need in politics in Ireland.

We have no viable opposition to government.

A poet in the aras.

A seanad that’s been pretty much abolished.

A state media that is full of liberal wankers who won’t challenge the status quo.

An alternative media that is full of Denis O’Brien lackeys who are charicatures of themselves at this stage.

Look at the discourse one honest opinion has created. It’s fantastic

We’re cowards in Ireland in that we’ll speak behind the tea towel until someone else speaks out. This issue was obviously bubbling under the surface but nothing happened because we are a nation of cowards