Irish Presidential results hub 2018

Go away if ye did well you Sf be all over it ye are useless at elections

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The law in this jurisdiction is that he canā€™t go for election again. So you can mark his cards all you want for all the difference it will make to MDH. He can stroll naked through the Zoo every Saturday morning for the next 7 years if he wants.


Probably true but his lies cost him 20% of his support.

It wonā€™t matter a fuck.

Same as the last 7 so

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Id say casey took far more votes from the other candidates surely

Cleaned SF.

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Confirmed. Fagan doesnā€™t give a fuck about stolen elections (2011) or expenses so long as the candidate who reflects his own champagne socialism gets in.


True enough,I doubt Higgins lost any votes.Casey hovered up votes from all the other losers.

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Higgins poll numbers have declined.

Plenty of people started seeing through the charade despite the media desperately downplaying it.

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Suits no less, the bastards

Thatā€™s the main thing for me, in fairness. I might even crack open a bottle of MoĆ«t to celebrate


You donā€™t want to be up too late to miss your walking tour.

Iā€™ll be grand pet, donā€™t worry.

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Not 20% worth.

Casey is number one trending on twitter.

It is his day. He has done the impossible. Delivered 21 per cent by telling the truth.


In fairness to Casey if heā€™d got another 7% heā€™d nearly have got as big a vote as Sean Gallagher got in 2011.


Kenny should have ran, heā€™d have won. FG ran scared of a campaign as Leo and Simon Harris spend so much time on twitter these days where Twee cannot he questioned.

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Sean Gallagher delivered 28.5% in 2011 by talking shite.


Maybe not quite, but he was at 70% a couple of weeks ago.