Irish soccerball nil - That boy Bazunu will save us (Part 1) 🐐

Is this game crucial then?
I’m trying to work out what to sleep in front of this afternoon.
I’m edging towards Connacht if there’s no gaa on.

Huh? John Egan is one of our best players and the other 3 probably all would’ve started


I think we’re pot 3 at the moment but not far off pot 2

Spock needs to learn the words of the National Anthem ffs

Senior IC should not be happening this year IMO.

Keith Andrews doesn’t fill me with confidence

Where is this being televised?

Sky Sports Football

Sound as a trout

Can we work out from a process of elimination who tested positive?

Are we the only country trying to keep these things confidential?


How come Ireland are playing Donegal?

He was ruled out through injury.

It’s apparently someone that wasn’t involved the other night.

Derrick Williams??

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Good shout.


I think this is the day we come of age as a team under Spock.

Seani or Horgan?

Spock is shaping up to be an unlucky general.

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Is this on rte?