Irish soccerball nil - That boy Bazunu will save us (Part 1) šŸ

Be that as it may, Big Mick McCarthy or Brian Kerr would be under more pressure after this set of results. No goals in 7 games is shocking bad at any level of football

Was is lording it in league two. His time is now

Heā€™s under a lot of pressure, whst makes you think heā€™s not?

Irish supporters, by and large ignorant of the LOI, would prefer a manager who has done it on the mainland or on the continent rather than some lad who has done well in the LOI, relatively speaking. This plays to their footix tendencies cc @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy

Wes had some of those qualities but was much better used off the bench as he was too light and had to play higher up the field off a striker. It was a very easy choice between starting Wes or dropping Robbie Keane to facilitate Wes at the time.

From what I read and hear, it feels like the media are going softer on him than they did for Mick

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When was the last time we had no striker of note?

Do you remember the same reporting exactly at the time of other managers, Mick included?

Well Mick never went 7 games without scoring

He had better players

I donā€™t think this is a strength of Shaneā€™s. His strength is attacking crosses in the oppositionā€™s box. His defending has been a bombscare, which is why Iā€™d like to see him have to do less of it. Iā€™d actually play O Shea and Clark tonight myself.
Your midfielder point is the point I actually made. We donā€™t have the players to be incisive on the break. We are missing the quality incisive passing you describe, which is whatā€™s required for counter attacking football. What we are left with is hoofing it up and watching lads fight for it but lose it. Again, weā€™ve seen a lot of that.

Iā€™d argue that if Mick or one of the other previous managers pulled a number of the 21s squad at short notice for Nations League games of little consequence to get a few minutes off the bench and in turn torpedo the under 21s qualifying campaign it would have been seen in a more dim light than when Kenny did it.

Duffy is better when he doesnā€™t have 40 yards of space behind him and is far more comfortable defending crosses. I agree with you, if you want to play possession football then drop him and play players more comfortable playing a higher line or on the ball. But instead a player unsuited to the role is picked and the balance of the team will suffer as a result.

We are going into the trenches here tonight.

Simply has to start Coleman, Duffy McClean and Long.

Shane Duffy has been outstanding for us defensively in the vast majority of his international career

Long has always been terrible as a lone striker for Ireland. Now we donā€™t have many options in fairness so he may be the best of a bad lot for that role tonight

Iā€™d agree but itā€™s not exactly a national disgrace either. The MNT should always cobe first.

Outside Minor football, all other underage is really Mickey mouse stuff

Yes but there was huge hype about the under 21s earlier in the campaign and they got a capacity crowd against Italy and that group qualifying for the Euros would have been a big boost for them and Irish football. Had Kenny still been in charge and whoever the senior manager was pulled the players as he did they would have received a lot more stick for it.

Surely Ireland can keep the ball v the likes of Gibraltar etc? Not expecting miracles v the likes of Serbia and Portugal but surely v the lesser teams we can play better football.

The players seem fired up for this game anyway, the Serbian managers ā€œBritish styleā€ comment seems to have garnered a reaction but itā€™s what they do on the pitch that counts.

Coleman was bulling in an interview he gave yesterday said the team has a plan and we will have to wait and see what that plan is. #ParkTheBus