Irish soccerball nil - That boy Bazunu will save us (Part 1) 🐐

Spock out.we won’t win this.

That should be a yellow card btw

A pro footballer against part timers? :grinning:

Darragh Moloney is bigging up the Andorran high press. Name of fuckin Jaysus


True, they should go wide, Doherty and McClean should be able to get down the outside of their men. McClean especially.

A new low

Simulation from McClean

At times you can’t tell which is which out there.

Darragh Moloney doing everything and anything to absolve Kenny and co of blame here. Bemoaning their time wasting! Laughable.

Hourihane is as useless a bastard as we’ve ever had


The commentators praising the free kick. It must have been impressive as not one Irish player went towards it. The keeper was under pressure from his own player

It’s infuriating when you see him named to start a fucking coward of a player.

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Our best chance is a set piece :joy:

He scored a great free-kick against Georgia that time though.

I think this game could prove the turning point in Kenny’s tenure. If we can avoid defeat it will be a good platform for him to build on. Going the right way about it so far.

Finally a decent bit of play

That’s a terrible miss.

Now all James Collins needs to do is aim at the goal.


He’s Paul Butler levels of useless. A shocker of a professional. A set piece specialist who can fucking hit a set piece.

Get Idah on for Curtis.