Irish soccerball nil - That boy Jinky will save us (Part 2)

Whoever wins, Irish football loses

Fuck em. Tis only soccer


Fuck them as well

You Clare cunts are as odd as be fucked

Delaney truly truly fucked Irish football

go robbo

Is there any way of arresting Delaney?

The minutes Irish footballers were getting in the EPL was significantly higher during Dela’s reign than it is now.

You just don’t know what you’ve got until its gone.

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Yes, like the money the association had in fact, and he was the one who took it.

You just don’t get it fella.

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I get it. He’s a thief and you support his thieving.


Does anybody know if Kobbee Mainoo has appeared out of Josh Cullen’s pocket yet?

Juventus interested in Lyons Jake O’Brien apparently.

He pulls one back against PSG in French cup final. Parrott scored a hat trick in the Dutch relegation play off tonight.

That’s his level alright

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