Irish soccerball nil - That boy Jinky will save us (Part 2)

Interested to see how Obafemi goes here.

A lad who makes a run off the ball and thinks that makes him Luis Suarez

We’re like the Offaly hurling team, they keep changing the league format to save us. But Offaly couldn’t be saved forever.

And neither will Ireland.

The Off the Ball crew will still laud this display and manager.

‘But we try to play the right way.’

But we keep losing to everyone, shit teams included (Finland, Luxembourg, Armenia and the Dog and Duck.)

The Ukrainians even make simple, nothing passes faster and crisper than we do. We’re so predictable

He allows himself to get needled a lot easier on the pitch than he does off it.




In two days’ time it’ll have been three (3) years since our last competitive home win - a 2-0 win v Gibraltar.

He has to go

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FFS, should have buried that header.

That fool on the line didnt start the only attacking threat the team has

CJ Hamilton lived in Waterford until he was 16 apparently and played underage GAA.

We look so much more threatening when we revert back to “put it in the mixer”. This has all the trademarks of a classic Republic of Ireland 1-1 draw.


Duffy needs to bury that

Duffy our only attacking option

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Two wingers
Big man up front
Get it wide and get crosses in

Get Spock out

No Festy no party

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40 year old Glen Whelan is still better than any midfielder we have.