Irish soccerball nil - That boy Jinky will save us (Part 2)

Bossman Steo flummoxed all the other LOI managers. Surprised to see him struggling.

Has been since the get go. I have no doubt he is a nice man trying his best but he has got the softest ride of any Ireland manager in living memory.

He had been out of his depth since the get go


You’ve screamed for all the useless cunts who are starting now to start since last year… You’ll be championing some other useless bastard in a years time. You fucking gowl.

The upturn was due to the ex Chelsea lad who is now with Belgium.

Its gone through the floor again since he left.


The media were on Traps back all the time

One of the greatest mangers of all time, but the “football journalist” didn’t rate him
You couldn’t make it up


Time JP gave up the micky mouse stickball and got the checkbook out

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How can he not start Obafemi?

Go and cry about your English team. You know nothing about Irish football or players.

Kenny is well able to play the media game, he knows which journalists to cosy up to. Even showing up on The Late Late the other week for some more PR…

Martin O’Neill’s reign ended badly but he did a very good job overall. But because he treated that clownshoe (cc @Bandage ) Tony O’Donoghue with deserved contempt in interviews he was always in for a hard time from the media, principally RTE.


And yet I know far more than you’ll ever know… You were on last night watching England and dumbfounded Rice wasn’t playing well :rofl:

Bring back Mick. His pay offs since been ran out of Cyprus and Cardiff must have nearly ran out.

150 million Rice apparently. Any lad following English football to the degree you do has to know nothing about Irish football.

I wonder do the tables have to go back to IKEA in the morning.

It’s ok mate. It’s very obvious you get your opinions from The Star.

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Chris Hughton is available

Virtually all our players ply their trade in England mate. Apart from maybe Josh Cullen who’s with Anderlecht and Udinese bound Festy.

Kenny needs to pipe down now, keep things simple. This run of games in June is fucked.

When we are up again in the autumn, play Idah and Obafemi up front, a midfielder with a physical presence like Obamidele and probably a quick winger (Maybe Hamilton, probably Ogbene), play 442 and tell the two central midfielders to sit in. We are not temperamentally or technically suited to possession based football.

If John Delaney was still involved he would go get the grease off some philanthropic sorts and get us Bielsa.

Instead we will end up with another bargain bin appointment


I missed the half time analysis; was there any “Good Irish Play” montage of first half highlights?

I’d love to have seen Big Sam in charge. Probably a few years past his best though at this stage. Remember after Trap there was talk of Brian McDermott of Reading getting the Ireland job for a while. Don’t think his career progressed after that at all.