Irish soccerball nil - That boy Jinky will save us (Part 2)

Kenny Cunningham is a bit of a weirdo.


Brian Mc is a gent and a proper football man. Think he ended up back at Arsenal scouting

The footix have ruined our once proud international team

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We have the Sloppy Ireland Play now.

Enda Stevens heavily involved in all four clips in that segment.

Gilesy wanted Paul Jewell at one stage

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Omobamidele in Midfield. Jesus weeps. Hes a defender.

Philippe Trousier was another linked at one stage.

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Would the fashion experts consider Stephen Kelly’s jacket a nice one?
I would not have enough expertise to comment

Listen, you have to be able to put pressurere on the ball. None of the 3 that played in there tonight have the athleticism to do that.

It is phenomenally arrogant, to think we are good enough to open games up and say ‘you have a go, we have a go’, we are not and it is what we are doing.

Needs more tobacco stains and Columbo wearing it.

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Limerick fellas on about Irish Soccer. The same county and city an absolute wasteland for Irish internationals.

Impressive here from the manager

Kenny has to go.

You should apologise to Martin o Neill

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What’s the question?

What is the question sorry?? :rofl:

‘What’s the question, sorry?’

Crash Car

Ah Jaysus this is cruel.