The global right-wing is extremely soft on paedophilia and there’s a truly bizarre sexual undercurrent that has always been indivisible from global fascism.
Trump is their spiritual hero, he’s credibly accused of raping a 13 year old girl and is a lifelong sexual predator. This is the guy the global right wing pleads absolute fealty to.
Andrew Tate is a sex trafficker and he’s another hero of the online right wing.
Jordan Peterson is blubbering all over Twitter about the breasts of underage girls and retweeted cum milking porn to his underage followers. These are the activities of a groomer.
The anti-refugee demonstrations in this country are led by some the creepiest and most predatory people imaginable, predators and creeps who hang around creches.
The global right-wing anti-woke cult is based on the desires of the conservative religious right. The conservative religious right are the same people who consistently defended paedophiles in religious orders.
The bizarre obsession with paedophilia in the global online “anti-woke” cult is the most obvious case of projection I’ve ever seen.
Paedophilia is the truest definition of the “libertarian” “anti-woke” mindset. This mindset is obsessed with the idea of the triumph of the “strong” over the “weak”, the infliction of pain and terror by the “strong” over the “weak”. That is what paedophilia is, in its essence.