Is gender dysphoria treatable by surgery?

Social contagion?

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Anorexia was the previous craze.

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Ah now. That’s an illness. It kills young girls. Scary for anybody involved as it’s difficult to pull out of that destructive cycle

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I’m not making light of it at all. Research has shown that it commonly occurs in clusters among teenage girls. This has now shifted to gender identity in clusters.

Nobody really knows., But it’s likely there are permanent side effects

Maybe teenagers going through hormonal changes get scared, think there’s something wrong with them, don’t feel normal in there own skin. This is all fairly standard however now might some miscategorise as trans, it gives them support of a community, and answer that they aren’t ‘wrong’ and an explanation for confused feelings? When what might happen instead of patience is irreversible surgery or treatment.

The argument for life changing surgery is often suicide rates… The likes of @Cheasty and @glasagusban regularly roll it out. But they aren’t honest players because if they were they would tell you that suicide rates among those that have transitioned are even higher.

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Not a topic I have any expertise in but going on some contributions here it appears to be little more than a bit of dressing up for attention and curiousity along the teens, I’d imagine it’s a tiny percentage go with the nuclear option, not sure what generation you are but we had goths and punks and mods and mettalers etc to play dress up with, the kids now have no counter culture so this may fill a gap, I do know that a lot more young girls now claim to be bisexual, it’s not at all a stigmatising thing

Stop making up things I’ve said.

A 14 year old Irish girl has gone global with a poem she recently wrote speaking out about gender ideology

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She’s some value. We need to expose her science teacher though, or it will all have been for nothing

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She, if i can call her a she, should just shut up and accept terms like ‘person who menstruates’ to describe her , she should welcome other women parading their penis is changing rooms and just accept that their are 27 sexes despite what biology (and reality) teaches.

We don’t need this kind of heat on us here in Ireland, certainly not coming up to matching season.

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They need to respect her lived experience as a black lesbian.

We could all do with living as a black lesbian for a while, just to help us emphasise

This is very tough listening to this girl as she explains how she was pushed into taking drugs and undergoing life changing surgeries… America is absolutely fucked

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The one on the right is a bit of a dog

Wouldn’t he be as well off shoving it up his nose.