Is gooch the most overrated fuckwit in oireland?

yes,for sure



bogballer, think he plays in defense for kerry


Fuck you Rocko with your 5 character thingy.

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Handsome chap, you know him now?

spoiler that ffs

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Ah the invisible man.


This generations Christy Ring

Of all the mistakes made by Fitzmaurice today, playing Cooper out the field was up there. Donaghy FF with Cooper and O’Donoghue playing off him was the obvious tactic especially in the conditions. Cooper isn’t up to the physical challenges out the field.



The Shamrock Rovers tea lady put him in his back pocket today.

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Injury has taken a lot out of him. Still has moments of occasional class with a nice pass etc but he is not anywhere near as threatening as he was when he first came on the scene. Just can’t skin a defender any more.

He’s RTE’s and the medias golden boy so there won’t be a word of criticism of him, though. He should have been hooked at half time today.

Is that because he’s as handsome as Marty?

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Spillane is absolutely seething there.

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I recall Cooper playing a nice foot pass for an early O’Donoghue point and he was dispossessed inside his own half by Bernard Brogan for a Dublin point in the first half too. I can’t recall him scoring - think he only got the ball in his hands a few other times in the entire game and McMahon went forward for a point himself. He easily snuffed Cooper out in truth and it’s almost obligatory for him to outscore one of the opposition’s main scoring forwards. Philly McMahon is my FoTY.


@Nembo_Kid - The mother in law said today “i don’t like that Cooper, he’s always diving trying to win frees”



That’s very informative!