Is Limerick City Centre Bigger Than Cork City Centre?

I suppose this thread is the final confirmation that i am the biggest dullard that ever posted on this site but this is a topic that intrests me.Cork has more suburbs but im talking about the city centre size of the two cities.I personally think myself that Cork is marginally bigger because you have the quaysides and the centre spills into inner city areas like McCurtain, Shandon and Barrack Streets.I would also class the whole central island as city centre.Cork streets weren’t developed with the same structure and organisation than Limericks were because the city was built on the old waterways and canal network.It’s architecture is a lot different to Limerick and Dublin but i think that’s a good thing because i prefer the victorian architecture and the brighter buildings to the georgian architecture.

Now Limericks streets were very well planned with the georgian grid system.I like that style.The main streets in Limerick stretch out a bit longer.I mean like it’s a fair old walk from the hunt museum down to the O’Connell monument.Henry Street starts at the junction with South Circular Road and it finishes at the top of Arthurs Quay.Then you have the Sarsfield to William street,Bedford Row to Thomas Street and Shannon to Roches street stretches.I think Cork city centre covers a bigger area but the city centre is more of a radiant shape which makes it more intimate and closer together.For example i could be on Pana then i could go down Princess Street and be on the South Mall within three minutes.Limerick city centre feels bigger and more stretched out because it’s laid out in block formation which means it takes a long and squared shape.I personally feel myself that i can get around the centre of Cork a bit quicker despite the fact that it would in my opinion have a bigger city centre.

This is up there with Sidney’s rugby world cup post

This is Freudian right?

Your knuckles must be torn to shreds after such a trek

I read the first line and it told me all I needed to know.

Thats a mugging off right there

As a man that loathes both Cork and Limerick what are your thoughts on this matter Tosspotti?

No need for name calling, way out of line that was.

This shit is pathetic.

If the cap fits wear it.

Limerick is miles ahead. The Georgian grid layout and design reminds me of the cicus in Bath Cork is very badly designed. Lacks depth and any real characther. Give me Dublin, Limerick or Waterford any day. Cork reminds of some north eastern coastal english shithole like hull, middlesborough or grimsby

Waterford? o_O

Who gives a shit, its like comparing blue waffles. Theyre both kips populated by cunster fans.

Cork has character in abundance.Did you ever watch the sunset over the shandon steeple and the marina?What about the calls of the echo sellers?It has a nice big city/small town feel.I like Limerick and Waterford too but i think Cork is a better city than Limerick.Waterford isn’t as good as Cork and Limerick but it’s better than Dublin.Dublin is too big and i just don’t like it.

Wahurford is the oldest city in Ireland.


Shut it kirkby boy

Cunster fans brilliant!:clap::clap::clap:

Slaphead foley robbed that insult aswell the slapless thick cunt:D

Cork main streets were built over the old waterways network.Pana, the Grand Parade and The South Mall were once rivers.The Huguenots settled in and formed the Paul Street, French Church Street and Careys Lane area.Before the waterways were filled in the North and South Main Street axis was the main central core of Cork City.Limerick city centre was created by a man with a vision.He bought land where he planned to build a new townland on and he hired an Italian architect to draw up the plans for the modern day Limerick city centre.I find the following to be just fascinating reading.

[B]While in 1695 the repressive penal laws[/URL] were introduced that banned Catholics from public office, buying freehold land, voting or practising their religion in public,[URL=‘’][17][/URL] Limerick’s position as the main port on the western side of Ireland meant that the city, and the Protestant upper class and the Catholic merchant class, began to prosper. The British version of [URL=‘’]mercantilism[/URL] required a great deal of trans-Atlantic trade, and Limerick profited somewhat by this. Many significant public buildings and infrastructure projects were paid for with local trade taxes. The first infirmary was founded by the surgeon [URL=‘’]Sylvester O’Halloran[/URL] in 1761.[URL=‘’][18][/URL] The House of Industry was built on northern bank of the river in 1774, in part as a poorhouse and infirmary.[URL=‘’][19][/URL] The late 17th and early 18th century saw a rapid expansion of the city as Limerick took on the appearance of a Georgian City. It was during this time that the city centre took on its present day look with the planned terraced Georgian Townhouses a characteristic of the city today. Georgian Limerick dates from this period as part of [URL=‘’]Edmund Sexton Pery[/URL]'s plan for the development of a new city on lands he owned to the south of the existing medieval city.[URL=‘’][20][/URL] In 1765, he commissioned the Italian engineer Davis Ducart to design a town plan on those lands which have since become known as [URL=‘,_Limerick’]Newtown Pery[/URL]. The town was built in stages as Pery sold off leases to builders and developers who built four- and five-story townhouses in the Georgian fashion with long wide and elegant streets in grid plan design with [URL=‘,_Limerick’]O’Connell Street[/URL] (previously Georges street) being laid out at this time also and forming the centre of the new town. The earliest Georgian houses are located in John’s Square in the Irishtown district of medieval Limerick and along Bank Place, Rutland Street & Patrick Street in the Newtown Pery district which were built by the Arthur family — a prominent Limerick family during the 18th century. Some of Ireland’s finest examples of Georgian Architecture can be seen at the Crescent area and Pery Square. A basic sewer system was built in Newtownpery in the reign of [URL=‘’]George III[/URL] by simply closing over the gutters. By the time of George’s reign, Limerick had 17 gates in the city walls, most of whose names continue in modern city placenames.[URL=‘’][15][/URL] St. Joseph’s Psychiatric Hospital was completed in the south-side by 1826. Wellesley Bridge (later, Sarsfield Bridge) and new wet docks were also built during this time. Chief imports through the port included timber, coal, iron and tar. Exports included beef, pork, wheat, oats, flour and emigrants bound for North America. Exports of food continued during the [URL=‘’]Great Famine, often requiring the deployment of troops to protect the port.

The new, broad wide and elegant streets of Newtown Pery quickly attracted the city’s wealthiest families who left the old overcrowded narrow lanes and streets of medieval Limerick (Englishtown & Irishtown) and marked the decline of the ancient and medieval quarter of Limerick. These parts of the city were left to the poorer citizens of Limerick and became characterised by poverty and squalor. Unfortunately some tangible links to Limerick’s eventful past were lost as historically important buildings were lost due to lack of maintenance such as the Exchange, Ireton’s Castle[/URL] (from the siege of Limerick), and a collection of Flemish and Dutch styled housing that started after the [URL=‘’]Glorious Revolution(with some surviving up to the mid 20th Century) that fronted onto Nicholas Street, Mary Street, Broad Street & Mungret Street that were eventually knocked due to poor condition.

From its development Newtown Pery has served as Limerick’s CBD[/URL]. It is also the city’s main retail district which is centered on [URL=‘,_Limerick’]O’Connell Street[/URL], [URL=‘,_Limerick’]William Street[/URL] and the adjoining streets. In addition to the quality of the Georgian heritage in the district, another striking feature of the development is the [URL=‘’]grid plan[/URL] layout of the streets in the area running north/south and east/west in similar fashion and design as found in [URL=‘’]New York[/URL], [URL=‘’]Philadelphia[/URL], [URL=‘’]Glasgow[/URL], [URL=‘’]Bristol[/URL] & [URL=‘’]Berlin[/URL] albeit on a smaller scale.[URL=‘,_Limerick#cite_note-11’][11] This distinguishes Limerick’s Georgian stock to the other major Irish Georgian development in Dublin, as Limerick’s terraces are more uniform. This is due to the fact that the Pery owned all the land that was developed and it enabled a single development plan.

Limerick continued to expand following the Act of Union[/URL] and into the early 19th Century, however, Pery’s plan for the city was never fully realised. It was intended that the city would continue further southwards however a crippling economic decline in Ireland caused by the [URL=‘’]Great Irish Famine[/URL] put an end to the development. The terrace at [URL=‘’]Pery Square[/URL] was the last development of the great Georgian expansion of Limerick. The terrace itself was intended to be part of a Georgian square enclosing the People’s Park, similar to [URL=‘’]Fitzwilliam Square[/URL] or [URL=‘’]Mountjoy Square[/URL] in [URL=‘’]Dublin[/URL]however the plans were never realised as the development coincided with the beginning of the Famine. Another distinguishing feature of Georgian Limerick to Georgian Dublin is, Newtown Pery was a completely new [I]greenfield[/I] development. Limerick’s medieval city was left completely intact and remains to this day. Unfortunately, most of the built infrastructure of medieval Limerick did not survive past the mid 20th Century following the clearance of slum living in the city. Some examples survive and the street outlines remain in [I]Nicholas Street[/I], [I]Mary Street[/I], [I]Broad Street[/I], [I]John Street[/I] & [I]Mungret Street[/I]. Much of Georgian Dublin in contrast however was undertaken by the [URL=‘’]Wide Streets Commission which almost completely rebuilt Dublin over the older medieval city.[/B]