Is Wayne Rooney Finished Again?

Duffy would shit all over the cunts.

Here’s a tip, dont read it.

So one other player then?

The audit trail is there all over the world wide web for you to do your own digging …


Jordi Cryuff was a better player than James McClean FFS.

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Some right gullible cunts posting here.

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At least don’t use the two biggest hammer throwers in football in your comparisons. For FFS


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Ah right so you can’t find any others then.


Scholes “pissed” all over xabi and Iniesta in 08. Just back from a 3 month injury too before dominating them.

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Oh I can easily find them mate - there’s tones of them up online.

Sure, sure.


If you ever get the chance to spend you time proving this it would be interesting.

You’d have to take your thumb out of your hole first though.

“I have not always been complimentary about how Chelsea play, because it is the opposite of what we stand for at Barcelona. But I can’t deny that Terry is one of the most committed English players I’ve played against, and a great leader for club and country.”


you can almost see the big swole heads on the English lads reading these quotes

Still doesn’t say that he’s any use.

He’s a decent hoofer is all that says

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He could be talking about James McClean in fairness.