IT Professionals, Guilty

Him bemoaning someone not writing clearly is funny


He is a bit.

Wonder what his take will be on the super injunction

It’s a good move.
The data will be of limited interest outside of Ireland. The media and a handful of researchers are all that would be interested in it. If they can stop the media leaking and sharing it then the story should die away pretty quickly.

The cyber crime gangs are going to feel the heat after the attack in the US and I’d say they will most likely lie low for a few months. The gas thing is they have been attacking hospitals for years, but the red line seems to have been when they attacked a gas pipeline :man_shrugging:


He needs to calm down a small bit

I’m pretty sure the HSE have FireEye involved who would be one of the best in the business in dealing with this sort of thing. It’s not like they are using internal IT with no experience.

What’s the chances that this gimp on Twitter has a beard and is into craft beer…


It’s the volume of stuff they need to get to… Even trying to prioritise stuff is difficult. (payroll vs patient systems). Some crack getting people paid today even…

Reading between the lines there the State got PJ or Benis O’Drien to pay the ransom and they’ll be sorted out later.


More like this

According the The Journal, someone clicked on a dodgy link.

The lad who couldn’t sort the WiFi for the web summit having a go now

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They nearly always start with a phishing attack.
Why spend weeks trying to hack a network perimeter when you can just basically ask someone for their password.

I’d imagine there will be serious coinage to be made for IT Contractors in the Department of Health/HSE when the dust settles?

I just saw there that the super injunction also applies to the dark web :grinning::grinning::grinning:

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Take that Super Wizard Spider!

I’d say the latter. The look at the poor Micks card was played and Vlad felt a bit of sympathy for us in the sense that we’re absolutely harmless.

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I don’t think they understand how the dark Web works?

How much are they looking for?

I reckon they paid it. On the back of bitcoin crashing yesterday the HSE bought the dip. Whoever the contractor they brought in to sort this made a bold play