The north/really good looking fellas

Trevor’s article was in the Irish Times. He s speaking from the Planters view point, nothing to see here folks, we were all one big happy family, at least the Unionists were anyway.

Lot of anger here from the same lads who deflect from PIRA atrocities. All about “moving on” when it suits.

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Are you having a laugh :joy:… The Irish government (ffg) bring up the past every single chance they are given. They are happy to play political tennis with the gfa around election time or any time SF give them a bloody nose…


As they’re entitled to, same way as you say going over British atrocities is fine.

You have the likes of @glenshane saying that bringing up Maria Cahill but then trotting out the name of Sean Brown.

Quit peddling lies. You’re so blinded by hatred that objectivity and decency are impossible

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What lies? You regularly say it.

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The fucking ignorance of most people south of the border counties, and most especially the midlands…is putrid. They should be bringing Dan Breen’s book in as compulsory reading to teach them a bit of history. It makes me laugh that a lot of the same people look down upon the Ukranian men ‘of fighting age’ who end up in Ireland. The same lads would be holding British passports going through Dublin airport heading on their holidays if it wasn’t for men and women who had the heart and balls to reject the notion of their land being colonised by a brutal regime.


Until they got old and wanted a pension. Now they administer British Rule in Ireland.

Amateur stuff Tim. You tried get that last bit into the Israel thread but nobody concentrated on the SF angle so in here will have to do. Desperation wumming disorder it’s called !

What exactly are you accusing me of? Irony?
Maybe @TheUlteriorMotive can explain…since he validated your desperate scramble for anything that could save face?

Which last bit?

It’s a fact, they administer British Rule in NI, something they could have done in the mid 70s. They did what every other nationalist / Republican Party did eventually.

The only real difference is that we are 26 years on now and they haven’t made any progress in furthering independence.

CnG, Fianna Fáil, Fine Gael and CnP made significant progress on Constitutional matters but SF are bogged down with making Wolf Tones songs acceptable to the youth.

Surely the actual democratically elected British state who held all the power being involved in murders of civilians etc is far, far worse than murders carried out by an illegal terrorist organisation?
The IRA are roundly derided by absolutely everyone but a relatively small number of their supporters and sympathetic people in Ireland. Thousands of them spent huge amounts of time in jail. The British state is one of the most powerful countries in the world and also zero of them (or close to it) spent any time in jail. I would have presumed this goes without saying that what they did and the lack of consequences for it is much worse.


You called me a liar, I posted your receipts.

I don’t claim that you are cyclically trying to exploit the family of Sean Brown.

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I don’t see anyone in the south clamouring to pay tribute to the B Specials.

What exactly is there in the post that you object to…? State why you object to it. Relying one vaguely ironic post from years ago only proves that you’re a liar.
Now fuck away off with your irrational hatred.

You called me a liar. I brought receipts.

I know you are upset but again it is hardly the worst thing to be called out on. I haven’t made any claims that your mention of Sean Brown is disingenuous.

You are a liar. What does this receipt even say? You simply searched “cahill @glenshane” and quoted whatever you found. It isn’t indicative of a point that you can’t even state.

Moderate Unionists like Trevor Ringland trigger you something awful as they make reasonable points, don’t foam at the mouth and dismantle the freedom fighter myth.

I know very little about him, other than he’s against the likes of the Brown family finding out about the British government’s involvement in their father’s murder. That and the fact that he seems comfortable in dismissing these pesky families as being republicans.
Yourself and tim seem to share this bigotry

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