He read some of @HBV’s and @anon7035031’s posts on his phone and squeezed out the juice.
Fairly ballsy thing to do to be fair.
Like that lad on Nolan who did the Necknomination.
the look on the fat fucks face
Sid, you are genuinely a disturbed person.
Cheers, mate.
The tragic suicide of this Bosnian-Croat war criminal is a timely reminder, as Pieta House constantly remind us, for others to talk about their mental health problems.
We can’t bring poor Slobodan back, but we can hopefully prevent such future tragedies.
Thoughts and sympathies with his family and all that.
Its the glance of disgust back at him after he has moved onto the next guy that makes it.
Fatboy Nolan owned.
cheers bro.
fall in everyone
The whole of Serbia is behind England.
Mate of mine ran out of Serbia and Croatia. Loved them both and no question of anyone
I see the PAOK fans have a huge banner regarding Macedonia at their stadium this evening.
What’s the beef there?
Saloniki or Thessaloniki where PAOK play is in the Greek province of Macedonia - id imagine their fans are taking exception to the country known as FYR Macedonoa dropping the FYR part and calling themselves Macedonia
interestingly AEK Athens, PAOK, AEK larnaca all trace their founding members back to Greeks who fled from Constantinople after the Greco Turkish war in maybe 1920
You could do a thesis on it mate;
Macedonia is three things;
- a country as we know it i.e. FYROM.
- A region that incorporates modern day Northern Greece and Macedonia
- And the Ancient peoples of Macedon, of whom Alexander the Great was the leader, lived in a Kingdom of Macedonia. This was nearly entirely in the Northern Greece part of the region now called Macedonia.
Macedonia, the modern country,has claimed Macedonia the ancient kingdom and Alexander the Great as their own. This drives the Greeks absolutely mental. As the Northern Greeks consider themselves Macedons and descendants of Alexander while they see the FYROM crowd as Slavs with no claim to him.
They’ve been rowing about it for years but it’s come back to light recently as basically The Greeks have blocked all EU accession talks and membership of NATO until the name is changed so negotiations are underway. They’ve come to a compromise of “Northern Macedonia” but the people of Greek Macedonia are not happy about it at all. The Greek position had been before this that Macedonia could not be in any way shape or form involved in the countries new name. So it’s a bit of a row back.
Interestingly the only thing they both agreed on until now was that FYROM was not a suitable name, as the Macedonians didn’t like the reference to Yugoslavia and the Greeks didn’t like the reference to Macedonia.
FYROM is not the countries actual name, it’s a fudge used by other countries as they won’t recognise the countries actual name (Republic of Macedonia) out of deference to the Greeks. It’s the country equivalent of the artist formerly known as prince.
What is the original name for the province, say within the turkish empire?
I thought that FYOR and Greece came to some agreement about calling it North Macedonia recently?
It’s all the Romans fault. They took over the area and stuck current macedonia and old macedonia together and called it all Macedonia for administrative purposes. So the Macedonians have been so called for over 2000 years. That’s not good enough for the Greeks though.
To add to the confusion there’s a load of people who consider themselves Macedons living in Bulgaria and Albania too.