Joe Canning, Unquestionably the GOAT

It’s hilarious really.

@anon32894817 and @anon61956325 were only going by what the Galway lads had previously posted.

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Some of the Galway boys are tying themselves up in knots here - Nogra command need to step in.

The innocence of Limerick posters dealing with a final is adorable. I hope their hurlers don’t show such naivety.

Sure if it was up to Laz Canning would have been dropped years ago

Imagine if poor Joe saw this thread.

I think “Olli” captures the Galway accent quite neatly

The Galway lads are frothing at the mouth.

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Yozzer Hughes is after doing very well for himself, he been everywhere for the last 35 years. That catchline he had was the greatest thing that ever happened to him.


It was a scandalous remark by myself at the time completely unfounded. Arah when I look back at that time I was in bad place, riddled with self loathing and lashing out left right and centre. I’ve steadied myself since with the help of a few here and life is much smoother now thankfully.

Have ye figured out the community alert logistics for the 19th yet?


Low blow by Limerick posters to attempt to discredit a respected poster like yourself after a momentary lapse of judgement. Of all counties, you’d expect Limerick to be the one county that would empathise with another crushing defeat.

The Clare lads are minding the place for us. They do a great job on our summer homes for 9 months of the year so I’ve no doubt they’ll be well able


The Limerick lads and their “summer homes” :roll_eyes:


Go to 3.50 here to see what Loughnane made of the 2013 semi final and Limericks houses.

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Ger was sat right behind me in 2013 … and TNH.

Shur Ger said the conversation happened at half time, you were probably gone home.

That’s a grand view you have out the back window