Joe Canning, Unquestionably the GOAT

There’s not enough Cork here to circle anything mate,
But the limerick lads take one armed waitering to new heights

Go away … you started crying last week when there was a bit of mild ribbing on Fitzgibbon. Yourself and Gil go to extraordinary lengths to try and defend anything Cork. It’s hilarious viewing.

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A poor mans Donie Ryan

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There you go again, who was Fitzgibbon playing against again? :grinning:

Fitzgibbon was sent packing by Limerick last week — A bit of mild ribbing post game and yourself and Gil went into over drive telling us how great a lad he is and inventing late tackles on him … go away outta that for fucksake… I get an essay out of you on demand. Tis pitiful stuff.

Where are all the Limerick posters gone? Place was gone nuts last week with hundreds of posts across various threads.

I haven’t a fucking clue what you’re on about. I just remember ye pissing ye’re pants because a daycent sized lad considered tiny on your team of giants gave him a push and then crying because he celebrated a score :smiley: Ye love to give it out alright in Limerick

Ok bud. Whatever you say.

Gathering forces, stockpiling ammunition, sharpening blades, oiling weapons, meditating, seeking spiritual guidance, girding their loins.
Enjoy it while you can. From next week it will be a scene of complete devastation here.
And that’s before the teams are named.

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Do you think the Dow will start?? :open_mouth:

I’m going to defer to the 57489 posts on that matter we will see over the course of the next week and a half.

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Have lads been silenced or is just coincidence they’ve all stopped posting at the same time?

They’re a finely tuned, hugely disciplined army mate. The order has gone out. But it will be the TFK equivalent of the Normandy invasion here next week.

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the Galway cunts are seriously rattled, they must be horsing the red bull into themselves the stupid fucking simpletons. hopefully for them supermacs joe gets crowned the nicest man in Oireland and it will soften the blow for them

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Can someone setup a Shane Dowling thread?

It would weed out the chaff in here.

A diktat has been issued? Was looking forward to some jousting but all we’re getting is stale accusations of being rattled. Am disaapointed with the likes of @iron_mike and @anon78624367 Didn’t think they’d be the types to be dictated to.

Soften what blow? Hurlers are still celebrating last year’s win. They were shit-faced at the races all last week. The sweat pouring out of them and they hadn’t run 20 yards between them on Sunday.

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Lads, I don’t want to go about it, but I’ve gotten 3 nice post awards in 24 hours on this thread.
I am the Joe Canning of the Internet. could pay me 10k to go over and post on the GAA forum for a few hours.

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Why don’t you go and lube your bum hole up for him while you’re at it?

A Limerick man picking up easy likes from the NOGRA boys. There’ll be no one to touch you if you can keep straddling this divide.