Jeremy Corbyn he's in the SA

The guardian has never forgiven Corbyn for delivering Brexit .

Is @Lazarus putting his money where his mouth is?

keir and present danger to the anti semites and racists

Corbyn is a multi millionaire like all champagne socialists

Is duska Rosenberg a wind up ??

A self-hating jew

you can see the anger in Sir Keir here, he’ll clean them out good and proper he will

Did the Don write that for him? It’s very Trump like in fairness

Not just me, Duska Rosenberg too

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The people will not see Jezza stuck

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Jeremy is pure useless, but his crimes are a bit like joe Biden’s merits- vague, nonspecific, rarely mentioned and never evident.

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New Labour = Tory Lite

They will sell out their principles to be elected.

Are they new New Labour now?

Is tory lite better than this particularly evil version of toryism

Same thing with a soft sell.

John Bull twice rejected Corbyn at the ballot box. Doesn’t want anyone taxing his mock Tudor mansion