Jeremy Hopkiss - Britain's NUMBER ONE columnist - right because he's right-wing!


This is fantastic stuff, thread of the year material


The forum neo-nazis at each other’s throats now…

Nobody asked what your genitals look like each Remembrance Sunday by the way, mate.

Actually, the correct second part to the saying is that “If you are 31 and you are not a conservative then you have no brain”

You can see how poor Sad Sid would have fallen into the second part of that :wink:

[quote=“Sidney, post:40, topic:23418, full:true”]
@labane1917 - please start a thread exposing @ironmoth over this - I know you hate people saying others are mentally ill. [/quote]

Not when it’s obvious mate. Where’s your evidence for half the site’s regular posters being autistic?

This thread should be renamed the last sting of the dying socialist wasp. Socialist nonsense is being rejected all over the planet, the last holdout is Venezuala where the remnants of the global proletariat are reduced to fist fighting over the one remaining bog roll in the supermarket. A fitting metaphor for the success of Marxism.


Have you started the thread yet or are you content to remain a hypocrite because it’s one of your forum “mates” who was calling somebody mentally ill? :smile:

And now you’re doing it yourself. :smile:

How many times have you been reported for racism this week?

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I thought this was supposed to be one of your funny threads, not screaming out abuse hither and tither


This is another of Sad Sid’s “hate threads”

How many times has somebody replied to a post of yours on the forum ever?

Here, mate, have one, it’s a pity reply, you simpleton. :smile:

At least you fulfil a function for @The_Most_Infamous, as with you around he can at least legitimately say he’s not the thickest bastard on the INTERNET.


Very poor form from you

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You are full of hate. It saddens us all to see your life wasted in this way.

What did he say, I missed it. Unusual to see a socialist have remorse.

Outstanding Sidney, you boxed the ears off both the silly fuckers there.

It was the same post I put on your snowflakey Autistic thread, mate.

I wouldn’t like to repeat in polite company.

It was he sort of underclass remark we would expect from Sad Sid.

When you are being groomed by the likes of @Bandage and @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy , vultures looking for an easy target then it’s time to call a halt kid. Take a look at yourself. Go back to the fucking puns wouldn’t you. The fucking puns won’t drive you over the edge but this shit you are at now will.
Take it easy you silly deranged cunt and look after yourself


You’re the chap that admitted to grooming your children in the company of prostitutes, aren’t you?

You deviant freak.