Joe Canning, Unquestionably the GOAT

That’s outstanding stuff when gathered together like that. The 3 men on the line for a penalty and proper 21 yard frees are a great loss to the game, the same excitement isn’t there at all now for the modern versions.


Offhand, did Canning have many penalties saved? He was a serious man to dispatch one. Did Eoin Murphy save one before, have vague recollections

You should see Austin Gleeson’s highlights reel from yer man Maurice Walsh.

It’s something else.

Awful bang of TNH off this


Nail on head.

It happened alright. I know because I know JC burst the net at that tournament.

One of the weakest and most repeated TFK jokes there’s been, and that’s saying a lot.

Would Dowling be known as a man to embellish a yarn? He makes Eugene McEntee sound like a right creepy bastard.

If you were going to timber a lad, would you really bother with a preamble story? I don’t know many full-backs that would anyway.


Eugene McEntee is sound out.
A hardy bastard, but needed to be. We could do with a few like him now.

He’s a butcher isnt he?

His oul fella certainly is/was. Eugene may well have taken over.



Free money

Mistake surely.

Yes, he’s a opposed to a storyteller.


Max bet €5.83

The Portumna lad must treat club GAA games like a Tarantino movie.

Dowling didn’t forget him anyway. A proper full back id say

They had to give Dowling an adrenaline injection into the heart when McEntee was finished with him.

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