Joe Canning, Unquestionably the GOAT

I’m surprised Joe didn’t mention the time Conor Gleeson broke his arm in Thurles last year and it got magic better at half time and he came back out and got the scoring record. It was good refereeing that day.

For a fella who wanted away from the game because of the glare of the media, he has a funny way of going about it does Joe.

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That monetary compensation from a 300 word “fuck tipp, the cunts” article might pay for 24/7 security coverage tbf.

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He’s working the media on his own terms now. Makes sense.


Will be some read if he is as open and honest as he has been in articles. Bound to have some amount of stories to tell whether they’ll aee the light of day is another matter.


Ya’d hope so. I’d get it anyway.

Ah no, he doesn’t begrudge anyone. He’ll need to get a new job in a year or two, as his current employer will be exiting the market in a phased manner. But I can’t see him retraining or doing any courses/exams in a new area at this stage. He’ll just need to find some other pointless role in that lending/financial services sphere.


Class act from our Joe. Hego would have keeled over and played dead.

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Hegarty would have shattered Canning’s helmet and made sure the red card was properly earned.


His career spans accross 2 very different eras and 3 great teams. His book will break all the records for a GAA book very possibly.

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He’d do it against Westmeath when they were being hammered, he had no problem fucking himself on the ground to get fellas sent off when they were being beaten

Give it a rest you gowl.



For @anon76546466 , the miracle point

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I met Micheal Donoghue there two weeks ago in Wexford Park. He was working for Galway Bay FM. A sound sound gentleman.


I was standing beside the press area, and there was a minutes silence to Paul Nolan’s father. Between me and Micheal was the bould Liam Spratt. And he was chatting away* during the minutes silence. Micheal and myself was looking at Spratt smiling as if to say “what the fuck is going on here”. We were laughing away to each other at the moment.

*Spratt had to keep talking because he didn’t want radio silence. As in if you were to put on South East Radio, you’d hear nothing if ya put it on.

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That used to be a gas column. It would be full of factual errors and digs at various teams. It left me staggered that he could have been such an effective manager in the early 1980’s.


Joes a good sort. Has always seemed content with his lot. Good luck to him.