Joe Canning, Unquestionably the GOAT

It’s really only jobsbody hanger ons who would disagree, lads who never kicked a ball but get the job of washing the cones

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John Meyler used always turn himself out for well for games with a smart pants and shoes combo.

Go on…

I’m asking the question? Surely someone knows why all these things were introduced? Be the first thing you’d look into surely.

Is it possible rules become outdated ?

Very possible. But I’d still like to know why they were introduced before commenting further.

There’s a rule about asking and answering questions.

Joe and @Aristotle will provide the answers in due course I’m sure.

I’ll ask Joe next time I see him and get back to you.

Could you not give him a ring there now?

I’m not suggesting a free-for-all, I’m just saying the current rules aren’t for purpose.

The maoir foirne needs to be brought back, first of all. If anybody does a Greg Kennedy, take their privileges off that county, fine them and ban the individual for a year. No place for that.

In any ground where there is a suitable dugout at pitch level, let the selectors sit there and let the manager join them. But those don’t really exist, which is why we have the plastic fold-up chair situation. Teams should be allowed 3 or 4 selectors in a designated zone. Keep them back against the wall, if needed; if they leave that zone, fair enough, send them to the stand. But there is absolutely no reason why they have to sit down even when the manager is conversing with them.

Subs should be allowed to puck around at half-time on the pitch, they’re not going to do any damage to it. And, similarly, a light puckaround an hour before throw-in isn’t going to damage the pitch.

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While I agree on the need for a Maor Foirne, teams only have themselves to blame for it being gone. I would hazard a guess at 80% of sides engaged in some degree of fuckology with regards to it. Across the club and intercounty.

And you’re quite foolish if you don’t think players warming up on a field doesn’t impact the surface in some degree. Maybe not your Croke Parks or PUC’s, but not all intercounty grounds and especially lesser grounds are so lucky.

Lads cant have it every which way the way.

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It’s not warming up though, it’s just strolling around the pitch on intercounty matchday.

All warmups at that level happen on the pitch anyway, Diarmuid Byrnes reaching a slight jog as he hits a ball wide isn’t going to make a difference compared to the warm-up.

I have no issue with the actual warm-ups happening on side pitches for club games or even intercounty games, particularly in poor weather conditions.

Players arent allowed stroll around a pitch on match day?

Tis very outdated anyway to have a crowd of savages on the line roaring abuse at officials/opposition etc. They should be put away up into the stand similar to the rugby lads and let the players do their thing in the pitch.


Do we really even need selectors?

As Barney Curley said, any proper Board or Committee should always have an uneven number and three is too many.

Management is the same, have your coaches and S&C guys but there shouldn’t be a need to consult 4 selectors trying to figure out what’s going wrong on the field.

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Apes marching up and down the line with a hurley in their hand, and they not able to use it when they should have.

Haven’t needed any in KK since 1999


I doubt The Boss ever consulted Mickey Phelan before telling Keane or Beckham where to go.

You don’t need your S&C person at the match, never mind on the line. Theres no reason I can think of where I’d rather be on the line than watching from a better/higher vantage point and identifying areas where improvement are required.

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