Joe Canning, Unquestionably the GOAT

Can someone ring Joes agent and pretend to be from a hurling club in north Kerry and ask what he’d want to come down and present a few medals ?

Are you not from a hurling club in North Kerry?

:rollseyes: That’s why he is asking.

Ask him as well how many all Ireland finals has joe lost on the field and how many times he’s knocked a Brian Cody trained team out of the hurling championship while your at it.

He’s profiting from it you idiot.

Surprising he has time for these events with all the funerals

You have your head so far up the holes of Kilkenny hurling and Kerry football it’s unsurprising you are oxygen deprived.

Where did the dog get that suit case? The wheels on mine are basically pointless once it’s carrying a bit of weight


Huh? I hate the cunts but I’ve a lot of respect for them. Winners.

£9m sterling was a very tidy profit.

That’s the kind of tax free sum JP has pumped into Limerick to mix it with the big boys

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Joe canning or any other Inter county footballer or hurler are well entitled to get what they can from the gaa be it from sponsorship or turning up to club events.

These are the guys that put in the commitment, effort hardship,go through pain barriers, rehab, rehabilitation etc so muldoons like some of us cunts here can enjoy a summer of entertaining sport(well hurling anyway)

The fat cunts of the gaa are lining their pockets every year and I don’t hear ye shitting on about that…

They bring joy to a lot of people over the summer and are hero’s among men to many a child (and some adults).

The amount of times straight after a tough game these guys stay out on the field for photos autographs etc win lose or draw is something to be admired.

Any few bob they make on the side is well earned and deserved imo.


How many all Ireland finals has “the show” lost on the field and how many times has he knocked a Brian Cody trained team out of the all Ireland senior hurling championship ? Come on Jeff bobcat you usually have the facts.

And the whingers being led by a lad who has never worked a single day in his entire life :grinning:

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He’s got a better ratio than your max bets anyway buddy

The show holding small rural clubs withoUt a bob to spare to ransom to say a few words. Sounds like an utter cunt of a man to me.

How many went to the wall after he held them all to ransom? :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Won 1, drew one, and lost 2 finals, which is a better record than any Galway hurler since 1990 and any Limerick hurler since 1940. @GeoffreyBoycott to confirm.

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Would joe take in the Odd funeral on the way to one of these fundraisers?

It’s a great testament to the man that in the build up to the 2018 AI hurling final his name is top of the charts on TFK, and maintained there by Limerick lads. True respect for the HOTY and GOAT.