Joe Canning, Unquestionably the GOAT

That’s his job. He doesn’t fleece voluntary, community organisations.

I remember before I was at a funeral in tipp and somebody pointed out a lad that used to be constantly going to funerals picking up free dinners and what not. I’d say the show is fond of a freebie. Takes in a funeral possibly and maybe a free dinner before heading off to take small rural clubs to the absolute cleaners. Lining his pockets with the money that could be used to coaches kids and improve facilities. This is some show guys.


These lads are genuinely out there,i’m shocked Joe is at that craic the mans loaded.

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Does he approach the clubs selling his wares or do the club’s approach him? Possibly in the knowledge that attaching his name to their event will be worth giving him a few bob due to extra numbers he’ll bring through the gates?

This is fascinating.

Give it over, kid.

There are plenty cunts in the GAA to rail against. I can assure you that Joe Canning is not one of them.


I’ve no time for money grabbers like that. The money being bandied about here isn’t right. He isn’t stuck for a few pound.

Has Joe fleeced his own family? Sold off the farm to gamble and travel while never having worked a minute in his life??

We had Joe below in the Club once. Didn’t look for a penny. We gave him a few tonne anyway, you couldn’t put a price on what he does. Best investment made in years.


Did he open the club bar?

There is no honour in him

No, that’s @anon32894817

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Fucking priceless and you from Limerick :joy: :rofl: You’re deluded pal and you need help.

Did you donate the money you were going to place on shane o donnell to win an all star to Locke’s charity yet?

Good man Jennings.

I take it that’s a no then.

Masterclass from @Lazarus here. He’s like an orchestra conductor playing a Chopin piece as he bobs and weaves and the players have the arms worn off themselves keeping tune.
A great start to the build up




Joe can be relied upon when the time comes


I just love those photos when you can see clearly the fans reaction in the background. Pure agony and extacy stuff