Joe Canning, Unquestionably the GOAT

I heard a lovely story about Joe today from the brother. A neighbour of ours growing up, Jimmy H was getting ready to depart this world recently and someone asked him how he felt about it. He said that he was dying a happy man because Joe Canning had finally gotten the AI medal he so richly deserved.


Why does Joe have a squeaky high pitched voice?

It did and I had the horses mouth at the time to confirm it.

Bejaysus, stage 5 rattled or wha :rofl:

What a man.

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Another unoriginal retard… must be all the inbreeding in Galway.

It’s a frightening indictment of how poor the Irish education system is that this is the response of someone with a PHD.
Among your peers I suspect you are as close as they get to a ‘tard’

I’m engaging you on your level tard boy.

Those prices are quoted for jobs he doesn’t want to do.

Very weak. I’m embarrassed for you.

It’s actually not pal. If a club wants to get Mickey for their function, they have to go thru his agency who handles it.

I’ve no issue with it by the way. Clubs know if they want Joe or Mickey they may have to throw a few quid into an envelope for them. The upshot is a crowd puller. No club is forced to get them in and they know what they are paying.

Your hypocrisy in condemning canning for the exact same thing Harte does speaks volumes.


Says the ‘stage 5’ and a smiley face man… you boring, unoriginal tard.

They don’t. They can contact the man directly and ask them. It’s usually done through GAA contacts.

That’s for corporate clients. It says it all that your intentions are to be disingenuous. Brian Cody is on that list too.

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How does Joe target them?

He is asked and he names his price?

So they target him then. Thanks for clarifying.


Was the rapist one of Mickey’s corporate clients?


So Mickey Harte does functions for clubs and doesn’t take any money?

I couldn’t tell you if he does or not but that’s not a website that targets GAA clubs hiring speakers which is what you are trying to pass it off as.

Yes and he puts a substantial price on it.