Joe Canning, Unquestionably the GOAT

Fact. I’d say seeing him reach the pinnacle in 2017 really gave them the belief they too could get there. It’s amazing the influence Joe has on people all the same.

He was late leaving Croke Park last year to sign most of the Limerick squads hurls, this is a fact. He got some of the names wrong but what harm


**[quote=“Lazarus, post:1451, topic:5179, full:true”]

He was late leaving Croke Park last year to sign most of the Limerick squads hurls, this is a fact. He got some of the names wrong but what harm

That doesn’t surprise me at all to be honest. A class act both on and off the field. Just goes to show an aul autograph from Joe is much sought after even after winning the all Ireland. He probably gave one of them his jersey too knowing Joe.



He thought Limerick how to dine in style and how to be winners. That’s Joe for you

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He came to Linerick to be educated and civilized.

Ateing supermacs and papa John’s, until he came away out of Galway. He was an awful size so he was

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Joe is Limerick’s messiah, led them out of the wilderness.

Apparently JP offered him a fat brown envelope on more than one occasion as a thank you on behalf of the people of Limerick, this is well known. Of course Joe politely declined, that is the measure of the man

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And we’ve produced a few Messianic JC’s.


Eh? Would he not have signed his own name ?

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To @anon32894817, try to understand I do want you as a fan,

love Joe



I hear Kyle Hayes is getting married in Italy.

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“He’s at the peak of his career, I suppose carrying Galway. He’s a class hurler, I would have looked up to him when I was younger.”

Amazing how Joe is admired so much throughout Ireland.

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Galway will improve significantly as a team without canning. He’s an ego maniac that hinders the vast majority of their team. Like when inter sold Zatlan, arsenal without Alexis or when Ronaldo got injured for Portugal. Galway will be a massive force this summer.


That’s as pathetic a piece of shit as I’ve read in awhile

Honestly, Joe Canning is the ultimate team player imho. Always looking to take the right option. He makes those around him much better.

You are way offside on this one.


Well see this summer. The proof is in the pudding as the man says.