Joe Duffy's Liveline

Joe Duffy is the kind of person @raylan and @the_man_himself aspire to be.

Joe Duffy is a working class private contractor made good. Proof of social mobility under FFG


He’s also a talentless, amoral mouthpiece.


sure joes practically on a zero hours contract with no sick pay. the heart bleeds

I never listen to this show. All I’ve ever seen of Joe Duffy was when he interviewed MaryLou McDonald that time and started screaming at her about the meaning of Jesus on the cross. He came across as wildly egotistical and deeply unpleasant. A former communist who now gets paid hundreds if thousands of the public money screaming about the meaning of Jesus on the cross. Also, I know he was very close to the Catholic Church when it was convenient because he was on the stage the time Pope John Paul was here. Now of course he’s conveniently anti-clergy. I don’t have an ounce if respect for him, I don’t know why anyone would listen to this.

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In fairness to Joe he made clean shit of a few unionists during the Garvaghy Road stand off. He gently reeled them in until they eventually exploded as he continuously pointed out how blatantly bigoted they were.

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did he do that today?


Miriam looks like she’s about to throw up.


I’m just putting it out there that Joe is not pro unionist like Leo Varadkar, Charlie Flanagan, John Bruton and that burger headed cunt whose name escapes me.

hes worse, hes a soup taker

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Kneel Richmond.


It is disgusting that Micheál Martin has a picture of Michael Collins on his office wall. This is glorifying terrorism and undermining all efforts of reconciliation on this island. I think Micheál Martin and Brian Stanley need to consider their positions.

No. Joe was obviously disgusted by Brian Stanley so he got the mother of a kid who died at mullaghmore on. (I’ve heard this woman before, her grief is extraordinary). He had some theory that people whitewash the children out of the tragedy and that it’s a disgrace that some dead wouldnt be mentioned. Joe was obviously also upset at the 18soldiers killed at warrenpoint. He didnt mention the civilian they killed in the aftermath. I would disagree with @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy on the unionist lad from the victims charity. But the first bit was all SF bashing without any context.

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I place self loathers ahead of soup-takers on the moral-fibre ladder…

what about self loathing soup takers?

@Little_Lord_Fauntleroy Christmas lights still on all over the country, what are the greens going to do about this?

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Morning Laz

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Morning comrade


Frank and Una have slid away separately to Gran Canaria for an extended break.Una had a swim yesterday, walked up from the beach to a coffee shop where she had a relaxing coffee (real) and a large cognac for €4.80. Frank has adhered to all rules and regulations and is unrepentant for his actions.

Meanwhile, back home, Paddy and Maura are having apocalyptic bouts of seething.
Mattie I think was advocating savage fines and incarceration if possible. Anger levels are rising.


Great craic today. Crnklies at it hammer on thongs over going to foreign lands