John terry murdered in jamaica

from bbc news

A British official found beaten outside his home in Jamaica had been murdered, the Foreign Office has confirmed.

John Terry was the British honorary consul in the popular tourist destination of Montego Bay.

Reports say Mr Terry, who was 65, was already dead when he was discovered by police on Wednesday afternoon.

The Foreign Secretary David Miliband said he was “deeply saddened” at the death, which was being investigated by the Jamaican police.

A Foreign Office spokeswoman said it was in close contact with Jamaican authorities, who were “investigating the circumstances of his death”.

Helped tourists

According to reports in Jamaica, police do not believe at this stage that there was an attempt to gain entry by force to Mr Terry’s home.

He will be greatly missed too by colleagues and all those who knew him
David Miliband

As Britain’s Honorary Consul based in western Jamaica, John Terry specialised in helping British tourists who had got into trouble.

Mr Terry had worked in the tourism industry for around 30 years and was made an MBE in 1992.

Mr Miliband said: "John Terry was a key member of our team in Jamaica and had been an honorary consul for 13 years, but with many years of other service to the British community in Jamaica before then.

"Honorary consuls like John play a valuable role in our work overseas and this was especially true of John who helped many, many British visitors to Jamaica over the years.

"My thoughts are with his wife and children.

“He will be greatly missed too by colleagues and all those who knew him.”

That’ll put an end to him calling every day.


Poor divil must have slipped to his death

I predict he was murdered by a megalomaniacal dictator with metallic hands and an underground lair.

GSH should be dispatched post haste to investigate.
there could be a movie in this.

Time Thief

At least it’s not gay porn like he usually posts.


When I saw the title I was sure it was going to be about the soccer player John Terry, I was very surprised to find otherwise…NOT

[quote=“Tassotti”]When I saw the title I was sure it was going to be about the soccer player John Terry, I was very surprised to find otherwise…NOT



why did you go to the bother then of opening and replying to the thread :clap:


why did you go to the bother then of opening and replying to the thread :clap:[/quote]To point out the fail