Jose Mourinho - Busted Flush?

sure he fucked Mata out of Chelsea and then ended up at Utd again with him. I’d say Mata is delighted to see the cunt gone.

I doubt there’s too many shedding any tears for him


He said/she said.

He is a stop gap manager now.

get up out of that.

in peps own words he saw his friend, who was dying, once

if money was no object, how often would you go to see a very close friend who was dying?

also Guardiola was in NY at the time that vilanova was getting treatment there

I think she’s 15.

No wonder he’s cross

Yeah - Like anyone would let their 15 year old dress like that. Go way ta fuck.

I don’t mean to get drawn into a big debate over the merits of Guardiola as a person, because I don’t know enough about him.

I wouldn’t draw much inference by the amount of times he visited someone in hospital based on random comments here and there.

Of course if you wanted to go down that road, you could point to him giving David Silva time off last season to deal with his premature baby but then again that is a one off case so it is rather futile.

but you clearly mean to get drawn into it; you asked for a link that he blanked vilanova and I provided it, with vilanovas words which you dismissed as he said/she said.

a cynic might say that he gave silva the time off as he knew his head wouldn’t be in it and wouldn’t be much use to him on the pitch and besides they were miles ahead.

as for your other main point about the amount of time visiting him in hospital, contrast the time he spent with the man while dying to the time he spent eulogizing him in death. a cynical cunt.

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Sky news are saying that the deal for the caretaker manager has been done already. Why are they waiting 48 hours to announce it?

Carrick is the interim manager until the caretaker is confirmed?

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Correct. He is the interim interim manager. The interim manager to be announced in the next 48 hrs

He is just taking training, putting out the cones.

Gary Neville having a pop at pogba on twitter.

I read that as do a caption, rather than “Do one you caahnt”?

No, the latter.

Shut it you scouse cunt

The Mancs are tetchy today …

Jose fired after winning two trophies in three seasons. Just shows demanding the United job is compared to other clubs.

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