Just when you thought it was safe

…He’s back


[quote=“Flano”]…He’s back


Welcome back Flano.

welcome back

good to see you return

is ben coming back

Were you away Flano?

He is a contender for IOTM straight away with that shite…

with it coming out that bandage was the one who thought his i pod was bust and flano actually thinking people missed him i can see the odds on these two plummeting…

[quote=“Flano”]…He’s back


As I said to Rocko yesterday, I think life on the forum without the Flano lad would be less interesting. I look forward to many more insane ramblings and smackdowns. Even though they’d never admit it, I’d say a lot of the cuntry based four fingered brethren on the site might think so too.

Boo yaa.

[quote=“Juhniallio”]As I said to Rocko yesterday, I think life on the forum without the Flano lad would be less interesting. I look forward to many more insane ramblings and smackdowns. Even though they’d never admit it, I’d say a lot of the cuntry based four fingered brethren on the site might think so too.

Boo yaa.[/quote]

your not crediting the window lickers on here with much intelligence that we were peppering awaiting the return of jesse ventura in harold bishops body

First Ben leave TFK, now Flano has upped and left his major project aswell. It’s all too much to take-