Kansas City Chiefs Super Bowl Supporters Club (KCCSBSC)

The decision was made long before that, mate . But they made two SBs.

:rofl: Run along back to the whiners thread. I’m tired bitchslapping you around here.

Claiming victories on the internet now — tut, tut.

Stick to shouting about the regular season.

A pair of rolly eyes is too good for you, ye gutless mongrel.

I’m only toying with you and you’re going mental – wait till the real stuff starts – you’ll be running to the bush fires to escape the heat.

I’m gonna start calling you ScoMo, you’ve made such a fool of yourself here.

On board, but bored already

I’ve dealt in facts - youre all hysteria.

You’ve proclaimed so many false prophets over the last few years it’s hard to keep up.

If these are facts, please save your porkies for your daughter :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Throws the most touchdowns all year on the way to a 14&2 record? In his sophmore year? With Mark Andrews as his top receiver? :smile:


Scoot along now, kid.

They’ve been to two since Jimmy was traded — poorly worded from me.

When Lamar is made chase a game he falls apart — a flat track bully — has shit himself twice in big boy football when forced to throw it.

Backtrack alert!

Qualification alert!

(Oh and let’s ignore the game winning drive v the 49ers because it doesn’t fit the narrative, despite being incredibly relevant)

Can I ask why you keep having goes at MVP Lamar in the KCCSBSC thread? It’s woefully out of context here.

Mainly because I’m bored.

Me too.

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Elite levels.

21st and 26th rated pass D.

Andy said he celebrated the AFC win with a cheese burger and then went to bed - he’s a god damn liar. We all know he had more than one cheeseburger.

The San Fran Klan can’t get enough of the mighty Kansas Chiefs by the looks of things

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