Kick her in the fanny, Kellllllllllieeee

They are itenerants, mate. Ireland’s children.

Pity we cant put them on a refugee boat in the Med.

have you carnal knowledge of either of these two girls?

This poor chicken doing the camera work and commentary is a very bad influence. They’re all doomed.

No. But I can guess that they have probably been married and at it since they were 12.

More high-jinks from Limerick :roll_eyes:

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And they both prefer the grey tracksuit, white socks and black tackies look. In another life they could’ve been besties.

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I wish those clare lads would stay at home in their own county for that sort of thing

Just gointah him!!

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Fucking cunts should be put down


Fight? :grin:

That’s nothing. Just another day in Limerick. That’s Limerick citaay!

Most of the cunts standing around watching are wearing the same get up. Is that some kind of Limerick scobe uniform? I wonder if @ChocolateMice wears that?

The two useless cunts, they wouldn’t bate eggs.

Drive down Hyde road on the late afternoon and you will see that as a uniform.

Classic townie fighting stance there @0.15 :grin:

Aidan is mother useless.

I think at one stage a fella tells him not to leave his t-shirt on the ground cause it’d be robbed :grinning:


The calibre of corner boy in Limerick has gone to shite altogether.

Soft townie cunts. About 3 minutes of posturing and hardly a slap landed :roll_eyes:

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Just limericks

Not a cop to be seen of course, middle of the day on William st.

Would’nt even call that a row…just antisocial as fuck young cunts.