Ladies' Accents

[quote=“farmerinthecity”]Very ordinary bird PLUS a Nordie accent in the office here.


…I would do her.[/quote]


The northern accent is cracking on a bird in fairness.

The northern accent is cracking on a bird in fairness.[/quote]

Ach I don’t know!

The Derry accent being superior to the Newcastle accent makes Nadine better that Cheryl in my opinion.

[quote=“farmerinthecity”]Ach I don’t know!

The Derry accent being superior to the Newcastle accent makes Nadine better that Cheryl in my opinion.[/quote]

Hard to argue with that kind of reasoned analysis to be fair. :clap:

Cheryl might be the filthier of the two however, but that would only come out in the wash.

The Donegal or Derry accent is savage. Midlands accent is shocking on a bird.

Sad but true. :mad: Hence why I have not shopped local for some time.

Oh yes.

I remember quite a dirty Donegal chick in college.

‘Wasn’t I chaaaaaaaaaaaaattinnnnnnnnnnnn’ to you about that before?’

Pulled a nurse once in Edinburgh, she was from the Shetland Islands. Now there was a fucking accent to be havin on a gamey burd, tremendous.

Agreed, I pulled a bird from Laois in the Howler on Halloween night and she had a foul accent. The fact that she was just home from a stretch in Oz didn’t help the accent either. I left her outside once the time came

[quote=“dancarter”]aright boii, Id love to hear your lovely leitrim brogue, id say its only fabulous you bacon and cabbage eating mullah!!! I often wondered is yer culchie accent affected by the tightness of the dingo jeans?? :stuck_out_tongue:

Welsh birds are as rough as guts in general but the accent is something else alright…yank birds for me, yankee students = filth on another scale[/quote]Very true with regards the Yanks,2 years back I had the ultimate experience of nailing a savage little brunette from San Diego while she was over for a college course,different level of bedroom antics altogether!:thumbsup:

[quote=“Fran”]That posh London accent does it for me.

Good call. That cut glass posh accent gets the juices going alright.

Dublin accents are shit
Cork accents aren’t much better
Nordy, Scotch and Welsh accents are nice

Spanish or Italian accents are the best for me though

Deep South accent of the USA is the best on that side of the pond


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Did you ever get to meet the love of your life Jamie carragher

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