Laois GAA- bunch of hicks turning on eachother

Rumor has it he’s off to *

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O’ Carroll is a lovely fella. Very unassuming way about him when I knew him when we were both teens. Made his Laois senior debut while still 17 against Wexford in 2013.

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Small acted like a tramp that day, quelle surprise as the Canadians would say

Mild run out in Stradbally this evening. Some positives some negatives. Better to not advance and 8 changes at half time said enough in itself.

They are some lovely ladies

Justy in the firing line for leaving Stormont to make Wexford Park for throw in this evening. The natives are seething

What’s his role in stormont?


Laois manager Justin McNulty is on the sideline. He left Stormont, where the Northern Ireland Assembly was sitting today for the first time in two years, before 3pm and got a helicopter, we believe some of the way.

He was then picked up by a member of the Laois backroom team and then driven the remainder of the way to Wexford.

We’ll get you a helicopter, but we are only paying him to bring you some of the way

Wexford fuckers wouldn’t allow him into their airspace

They should let the Abbeyleix lad at that old fucker.

Lawson is too decent for that

Willie is flat out sacking coaches it seems

Heard that yesterday alright. The Dub was a dud, surprised with Horgan though. Has been Willies right hand man for a good while and well thought of.

I hear ye are now looking for one. Derek or Tommy Fitz the men to fill the void.

That’s surely a major shock.

If you’ve worked with someone multiple times over several years, it’s a big call to get rid of them. Especially your main coach when you’re a couple of months into a season.

Quite strange, he wasn’t appointed immediately either there may be something there. Not sure Tommy should go in there but each to their own. Jackman is a fine coach, he’d be ok. But it’s odd. The other man moved into stats as well. Weird stuff.

Great fella. Don’t know how he does it. A principal and a scatter of kids. Was also still playing first team club hurling.

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cc @myboyblue

They must be the best financed club in Laois at this stage?

Get them tickets bought up lads….

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Not sure about how well funded in general but this has been incredible for them. They had the tractor paid for on the first day of the Ploughing, everything else has been cream and by god are they creaming it in. They are bloody everywhere selling the tickets. Billy is good people :+1:

Didn’t do them any harm to have John Lennon’s sister Siún selling tickets either :eyes: