Late Late Show - The Misery Porn channel

ok. That makes sense.

This guy Keith Barry always comes across as a bit of a gimp. Signing out.


Tubbs needs a desk to hide them sticks off legsā€¦

My eyes hurt

From the sublime to the ridiculousā€¦

Iā€™m a wildly emotional person. Beauty moves me and I try find it in every inch of life. That was beautiful

Heā€™s a painful cunt

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This is grating. Offensive even after Sinead.

Iā€™m off to the YouTube music algorithm.

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Socks hopefully

She was dressed like a Cluedo piece.

That isnā€™t actually true, although it is accurate in Bonoā€™s case

She was naked mate.

What you choose to wear of a day means fuck all.

Had the misfortune of going to one his shows once. The big reveal of his final act was ruined for me when I saw him pulling an envelope off the back of a chair that had been brought out on stage.

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He ripped a ā‚¬20 note of mine in two at a show but never put it back together. However we both holiday in Dingle at the same time most years (second week in August) and heā€™s always glad to hear that I still bear him no ill will.

Aisling was intent on trying to make a cunt of Keith Barry there, it was delightful to see.

I found her very funny.

Itā€™s Tough going from the lovely Sinead to listening to that braindead Longford crow In Maura.

Itā€™s just harsh mate.

Itā€™s harsh to listen to a substantial woman who actually has talent and has lived a life, albeit troubled to go to a one whoā€™s famous for talking about fanny flutters


Iā€™m glad now that Iā€™ve paid several hundred quid to stand in a half empty Semple Stadium and sleep in massively overpriced accommodation in fucking Thurles in a few weeks time because Iā€™ll see that woman singing again a few yards from me, with a concert orchestra behingld her, even with much of the raw power gone from it, what a fucking voice? We should treasure her

Rainy night in soho was sublime


People can say what about Sinead but those 2 tunes were beautifully sung,they brought a tear to my eye.Im glad to see her doing well.I hope she stays that way.Lapsed poster @Atticus_Finch was a huge fan of hers,as with most things he was right about her.


Michael Owen and Vicky Phelan on tonight.

michael owen??? Da fuqā€¦