Late Late Show - The Misery Porn channel

Christy Dignam ā€¦again???

Those books wonā€™t sell themselves.

Itā€™s a real pity the old format of guests sticking around after their interview was done away with

It would be tremendous if you had a panel with Owen and Phelan sat next to each other

Different worlds

With Owen involved it could get wonderfully awkward, heā€™d probably throw in a badly judged quip about cervical cancer and that he could identify with how Phelan felt after hearing she had cancer because he was rejected by Real Madrid and had to go through four years of hell at Newcastle

Then perhaps Pop Will Eat Itself would do a musical spot in which they trashed the place


Iā€™d pay to see that sort of television

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Has Maeve changed her look?

This lady is an awful size

ā€œ a feminist look at climate justice ā€œ.

Sweet Jesus

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Why is she dressed as an altar server?

I thought it was Dara Oā€™Brien with a new hairstyle,

Yesā€¦ Its called mother nature, not father nature

ā€œClimate Justice, Climate Emergency, Climate Justice, Climate Catastrophe, Climate Justice, feminist, Mary Robinson, inappropriate, etcā€¦ā€


ā€œIā€™m a real spooky little bitchā€

You ainā€™t little love


Shes eats because she is unhappy and shes unhappy because she eats.

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She seems to be dressed in an outfit that resembles a giant Snowflake?

Sheā€™s a vicious circle.

Donā€™t know her but her parents are sound out

That movie will be going straight to dvd if that clip is anything to go by

Maeve Higgins has badly triggered the usual creeps here :clap:

They are very unhappy people

I went out for a smoke after the first two min couldnā€™t listen to her.

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The Sid-BOT is lurking :thinking:

I had the sound down there . What was she talking about?
