Late Late Show - The Misery Porn channel

Who’s this gimp on now?

They couldn’t get his ears in the shot

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I think it’s the mayors son from Sin City

Missed the earlier part

Assume Tubridy was fawning all over Samantha Power.

Tubridy: ‘What do you think of big games, friendlies, behind closed doors?’

Jesus he is a mighty man


You’d never think he had the virus 2 weeks ago. A pro

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He was practically licking the screen

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He had? Passed him a few times out walking with the kids

I’m not much of a rubby man as you know but he seems like a very nice chap and is interesting to listen to

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Id say sam is doing a funny here

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Paul O’Connell is a good guy in fairness.


Indeed. He is sound. He was honest there…yeah didnt really give a fuck about the charities for a long time…like most he got perspective with kids


Hard to juggle it all , heaslip has been very quiet, hasn’t been using his profile in the same way .

Heaslip has plenty on the go

I met him a few times at different things and he does seem like a genuinely sound lad

Stop that. He plays rogbee so is clearly a creepy sociopath

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The wife couldn’t believe he was only 40. She guessed 48

Edit - she would have absolutely no idea who he was.

Dr O holohon is a young 48 I believe

Went to Terenure College as did all tbe coronas. Played football with templeogue sygne street.

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