Late Late Show - The Misery Porn channel

I switched off after Ricky. Any good afterwards?

How was Ricky?

He was himself. Grand . Tubbers kissing his hole .

See @balbec reply only more nauseating. The fawning and fake guffaws were cringeworthy.

He’s a real whore for anyone who’s internationally successful.

As big of a self aggrandising prick as ever.

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How fucking needy

Sure the Hillary Clinton interview was the lowest belly crawling moment iv ever witnessed. He told everyone at home he doesn’t care about what people think of her ,but he has the upmost admiration for her and bill .

Want to address that statement apparently he’s kicking back watching his wife drool over Danny o Reilly


It had the Incel set here foaming at the mouth, which was lovely to see.

It’s “utmost”, not upmost, by the way.


When trump walks in think of me x

You’re the coffin, guy, right?

Sums up the Coronas with these apes as fans

When The Coronas sang, they sang to a generation.

A generation of South Dublin fee paying school alumni who went on J1s in the 2000s.

Know your niche.

Nope. Plenty of mugs down in Limerick lap their stuff up too.

U2 for millennials

The Script, Kodaline and The Coronas make up the golden trio of a genre I call South Dublin Trust Fund Soft Rock.

It’s a far cry from the “city of a thousand bands” of the 1980s.


You’ve left out the grandaddy of them all, The Thrills