Late Late Show - The Misery Porn channel

He has that new Irish singer knack of singing with a mid-Atlantic accent down to a tee.

The missus adores him though

You’ve played knifey spoony before

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Every head of a party needs a Reada. They all have those sycophants on the front line.

Give us ten there

Hugo Duncan
Malachy Cush
The Whistlin Donkeys
Paul Brady
Philomena Begley
Cliona Hagan
Donna Taggart
Johnny Loughrey
Frankie McBride
Eileen Donaghy

  • Picture This

Walking on Cars

Ah there’s loads of them, all utter shite.


Good list

If you asked Tubridy in a weeks time could he name the 4 people he was eulogising at the outset of last nights show, who had sadly passed away from the virus, I’d be fairly certain he wouldn’t be able to. And there he was last night lauding them like they were his lifelong friends. When, in fact, they were total strangers to him.

Nobody does death, grief and misery like RTE but using the deaths of ordinary people for their own ends is right up Tubridy’s street. And plenty of numptys lap it up - “wow, that was so powerful.” Etc.

Disapppinted Mary Lou didn’t land a jab over his obscene salary or his family links enabling him to get in the door of RTE in the first place.


You’re in rare form this morning

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I don’t doubt* you could find the same chap eulogizing over someone he barely knew but had some tenuous ManU/Limerick connection.

*If you were bothered

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The establishment shill straight in to defend Tubs.



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Oh I am yeah, absolutely seething.

I’d be as cynical as the next man, but you’d want to be fair cold to dig into what was done there last night.

Yeah, it was an inspiring interview by Mary Lou. :clap::clap::clap:

Fucking sure you could the hypocritical cunt

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The PMs are flying



Eh up, another of the bleeding heart liberal brigade is in.