Late Late Show - The Misery Porn channel

Tubs the forelock tugging cunt apologising to the nation for having Mary Lou on before she even appeared.

Iā€™m raging I missed this. Can someone give me bullet points on what she/he said?

Nothing too noteworthy Iā€™d say. If you were a Mary Lou fan youā€™d be cheering her on and if you werenā€™t youā€™d be picking over the bones of what she said but nothing that would convince people one way or the other Iā€™d say.


Actually it turns out some people really did get caught up in it. This is fairly humorous. Itā€™s like a @Bandage post after a Mary Lou interview except from a TD

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She was unreal, cut through all the usual bullshit blueshirt politico-speak like a machete through a poppy. Great to hear the people have a voice once again

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Did mary lou mention anything about talks about forming a government of ā€œchangeā€ ?

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Did the Corona knock any bit of the obesity off Mary Lou?

You are a sex offender in waiting. Big time.

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I doubt heā€™s even waiting

Heā€™s the type of guy who would call into the rape crisis centre and tell them itā€™s a crisis that he hasnā€™t raped anyone this year yet, heā€™s that sickā€¦

Type of lad who thinks slagging women makes him a hero. In reality they are cowards. Some men never got too far beyond the cave alas

ā€œPlus Ƨa change , plus cā€™est la mĆŖme choseā€ to both you assholes. :sunglasses::fu: I am the smary fucker that took bambi home for a rodgering when you couple of too jerk offs ended up going home with a kebab & a wank.

That Dermot Kennedy chap is criminally bad, his music and singing is nearly as bad as his fashion sense.

Atlernatively on Twitter, idiots are going on about how great and talented he is? How gullible are people, Irish radio stations consistently push these horrendous musicians and they actually make successful careers out of it?



the women love him

They do, a quick sample on Twitter says that itā€™s not confined to women either.

Heā€™s a talentless Paolo Nutini minus the charisma too.

If he was from Tyrone youā€™d be his #1 fan.


What were the two yolks hanging off his pants. Was he parachuted in? Mary Kennedyā€™s nephew.

ā€œJerk offsā€. Are you a yank?

No, I wouldnā€™t.

Apart from Philomena and Cliona, I wouldnā€™t have any particular devotion to Tyrone recording artists and we have hundreds more talented than Dermot Kennedy.

He wouldnā€™t lace Gerrys boots.

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