Late Late Show - The Misery Porn channel

Seriously ? Why?

Imelda looking ok here, the haircut has taken years off her.

Heartbreaking tale about her pet dog. Takes our mind off the heartbreaking deaths of humans.

R.I.P Alfie.


@Lazarus Imelda May about to read one of her own poems here.

She’s a poet now?

Da fuq

Ryan is in a reverie listening to that

A bit of the aul poetry.

Bring back Christy and his finches.


Buble is an international Nathan Carter.

Shit music but the women love him and he knows how to play the media game.

Imelda May is a sexy bitch, anyone saying other is just wrong. She’d ride like she was on a mechanical bull. But I’m sorry, who the fuck could listen to that bitch yapping on about her fucking dog.

Séamus Heaney was a dud in comparison to Imelda at the poetry…
A future Nobel prize winner… :astonished:

I’m out of this shite, duds rattling begging bowls…A cunt-fest.

@Fagan_ODowd this ones all for you brother

This is as dull a segment as I’ve seen.

If he accidentally cuts his jugular vein I’ll donate €100 to the charity.


McDermott will be here until Wednesday

Rocketman is on now

What channel?

HBO one Polska

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I would have expected the “Rose of Mooncoin”

I wonder was these lads coming up from Kerry an essential journey

Nature knew