Late Late Show - The Misery Porn channel

Christy Dignam will be lucky to see 60

He was lucky to see 40

McDermott mugging people off by not shaving his hair off.

Zero or fuck off

Did I see that right? 300 odd grand coughed up to see Eoin McDermott get a four all over?

Itā€™s the week after next, Iā€™d give him a great chance tbf. But, but, I wouldnā€™t fancy him for another round one.


Sheā€™s like a Jackeen Princess Diana

Good idea to stay in tomorrow night. Rare opportunity to see Daniel and Majella Oā€™Donnell on telly and Nathan Carter.


Only on TFK do lads watch the Late Late Show and then post how shit it is. Every single week. :joy::joy:

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Signing in. Tubbers has had his Jimmy Stewart moment and is now interviewing Daniel and Majella.

Daniel Oā€™Donnell is a great guy. Doesnā€™t take himself seriously, has a laugh at himself and always looking to help others. He brings me great joy with his music too.


An alright sort.

Whatā€™s your view on Majella?

Seems like a nice woman.

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Iā€™d say she was wild enough in her day. Thereā€™s plenty craic in her

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An attention seeking cunt.

To go as low as marrying a gay man to satisfy her craving is beyond sick


Is he a woofter?

Iā€™ve never heard the term woofter before now. Do you mean homosexual ?

I do

He is.

The cunt sitting up beside Ryan as if sheā€™s the main act in the ā€œmarriageā€