Late Late Show - The Misery Porn channel

I just wanna dance with you :clap:

The likes of Console did enormous damage to people’s trust in charities but the Saint Vincent de Paul would be a charity I’d support where possible. Hope they make a nice few quid tonight.


My charity of choice also.


Tubs would rather matt damon on for 100 Jeremy irons

Jeremy Irons is an alright sort

Simon Gruber

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The Mission is a great movie


Is this fella smoking a fag?

Have to disagree, it’s a charity I will not support as know first hand of how they plundered money over and over locally in my home area on unworthy causes.

Was that down to individuals involved or a systematic issue?

Ah lovely, Jeremy Irons playing Sir Henry Cecil in probably the greatest movie never made cancelled due to corona virus. We will be watching fucking repeats for the rest of our lives

Morricone’s finest moment too



Were they making a film on Frankel they were? Wow.

I still have the Documentary ‘The Trainer and the Racehorse’ on the Sky box.

It would bring a tear to the eye.

Probably the eejits running it were soft touches.

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Best movie score ever and its not even close. Different level

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When Ryan asked Jeremy to go get his Oscar the MIL turned to us and said he’s a twit.

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Not Frankel, Cecil

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Who’s the wan with the tits out

Some howya