Late Late Show - The Misery Porn channel

It is quite insensitive, though I think Gay said it himself in one of his 2 million interview/tv appearances when he was retired

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The thought of being a pauper is frightening


Interview with Phil Lynott from LLS about 1980 was on a look back show. Very poignant as he discusses growing old and still playing music. Philomena Lynott in the audience - Gay emphasises a few times how young she looks to have a 30 year old son

Is it the look back show a good show in general?

Just saw the Phil Lynnott bit which was good

Tubbers will have to roll out a Covid/under the bed special tomorrow

Iā€™m predicting

Ronan Glynn
A poem by Imelda May
Simon Harris (who Tubs will refer to as an inspirational hero)
Some auld lad from Galway who got Covid but recovered
A load of nurses
A poem by Michael D Higgins
Someone from Fair City


Do you reckon heā€™ll incorporate Croke Park into it somehow?

A retired Kerry commentator ??

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Who said anything about a commentator, Croke Park is an inanimate object

Jason Byrne will surely have a hilarious take on the lockdown
Oliver Callan will be on to impersonate Trump
McConkey will be on because they canā€™t get rid of him out of the RTE building


Fair City actor nearly guaranteed. Itā€™s back on Sunday after a long layoff.

The daughter of some auld lad from Galway who got Covid and didnā€™t recover would fulfill the obligatory misery segment.

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And Vogue and/or Pippa

Luke Oā€™Neillā€™s calendar was full

Itā€™s a tfk special tonight. MicheĆ”l O M.
Dr Glynn to scare us and the wife of the doctor who died from Covid in the Mater on also.

The good news bit is the irresponsible Galway sisters who were rescued off Inishoir being reunited with the father and son fishermen who saved their lives

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The new LLS season would hardly start without some tale of woe from that all too rare guest Christy Dignam. Christy attracts misfortunes with all the regularity of bees buzzing around a fresh cowshite.
In quasi-related news does anybody know the current status of Brush Shields. There have been numerous ā€œcelebrityā€ funerals associated with the music industry, Grace, Gogan and Gaybo to name a few, but no sign of Brush to sing a melodic verse or even attempt one.


Gary Lightbody will be on to represent the Electric Picnic that wasnā€™t.

Brush is currently busy training to break the world record for the 100m sprint for over70s, heā€™s able to do it in under 13 seconds which is probably a bit quicker than anybody on TFK ever managed,

If thereā€™s as nothing more predictable than a LLS lineup itā€™s the TFK reaction

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Or your reaction to a tfk reaction